For those of you regular readers of our blog (bless you), it’s not news that volume two, What Happy Parents Do: Ninety-Three Cents and A Little Humpty-Dumpty — The Loving Little Rituals of a Childproof Marriage is about to launch! On its way from the printers, it will be arriving soon in stores everywhere. [A quick little aside: Speaking of “every where,” anyone have an intimate connection with the buyers at Target in books and/or wedding gifts? Wouldn’t our little pair be just perfect in their new section featuring wedding/baby/engagement showers/gifts/events?!]
Back to the topic at hand:
To make the soon-to-be release of WHPD all the sweeter (is that possible?), our delectable editor Steve Deger has just hired Jane Wesman Public Relations of NYC to handle the press, focusing this time around on big media (Today Show, NPR, USA Today, NYTimes, iVillage, etc!)
Seriously, check out the books Jane Wesman Agency has represented! Holy cow. Authors like Stephen Covey (The 8th Habit) and other impressive dudes (and dudettes) we admire for making a splash with their concepts and writing.
That’s the news for today. Hopefully the news tomorrow (and during August-December) will be about What Happy Parents Do!