How nice to hear from friends and loyal Happy Couple Blog readers that you’re feeling ignored! Stiffed. Abandoned! We had no idea so many of you cared or logged in. We’re touched you noticed our lameness at blogging lately.
What I’ve been noticing lately (Carol here) is how during summer my bids for connection are more often to my neighbors, extended family, out-of-touch friends, long-seen buddies, and new acquaintances. How my attention shifts slightly from being “on” my email, text messages, and blogging urges to being on my kid at bat, my garden in waiting, my husband reading the morning newspaper on the porch. Yes, dreamy. Yes, easier. Yes, all excuses for ignoring all of you who want to read about Happy Couples!
Instead of making excuses, I’ll make an invitation, a bid for connection (read back a few blog posts if you don’t know about Bids): Respond to this post and ask us questions. Start a discussion. Tell us what’s on your mind. Declare your favorite post. Make a request. Tell us what you notice, want to know, wish to learn (about relationships). Happy people let their feelings be known (sometimes, and with a smile, of course).
Thanks for noticing that we haven’t been noticing you enough! And now if you don’t respond, we’ll really feel badly.