It started with a little bit of irritation and turned into an all out grumpy attitude. Yes, toward my lovely husband. All weekend. I’ll spare you the details of my foul mood and how it emerged. I’ll even spare you the sweet moment when my 15 year old said “Mom, do you need a hug?” because as much as I loved every ounce of the expression, even that sweetest-gesture-in-the-teenage-mom-world didn’t change my grump! I know, right? Who am I? Last weekend, a VERY GRUMPY WIFE. A monster of grumpiness. U.G.L.Y. Not pretty in any way.
But then, there they were, finally clear in my mind: the words of my super smart, super awesome, rock solid friend Deborah.
“You’ve got fancy problems.”
A while back she shared that wise notion.
Indeed, most of our woes are fancy ones when we really think about it. We don’t have cancer nor are our parents ill or lonely. We aren’t rebuilding our lives after a tsunami or hurricane. Our children are healthy and smart. We have homes, food, friends and jobs. We don’t live amidst radiation threats nor real treats of violence. We have dogs and fish in bowls (seriously – pets are a luxury) and even some leisure time. Our ‘problems’ — ha, they sound so silly now. Like being mad at our husbands; being ‘too busy’; stressing about guests in our house; not liking colleagues; feeling tired; even fights with friends; the red sock in with the white shirts; kids who refuse to fold laundry; teens who spend too much time on Facebook and too little time actually reading a book — they’re all fancy problems. Very fancy, in fact.
Period. Lesson (re)learned. Mood immediately shifted.
And happy couple is happy again. Whew.