So, the big news is now
out … and wait until you see it.
What is
IT? Stop the suspense already!
Happy Couples and our cute little company is featured in the hot, 2011-12 edition of Minneapolis/St. Paul
The Urban Girl’s Manifesto: The ultimate guide to women-owned business in the twin cities, featuring more than 100 entrepreneurs you need to know.
I know, right? Sweet!
And the first five twin cities’ women to email me (
[email protected]) saying they read this blog and want a copy of CRAVE, I’ll march right over to the mailroom and send you a copy – free! Don’t forget to include your address (it’s safe with me).
Last year CRAVE twin cities sold out within weeks @ $19.95 each. Yours if you are fast and a loyal WHCD blog reader or just a lucky first-timer to this site? Gratis. You might even want to re-gift it; I’ll never tell.
I know again, right? Sweet(er)!
And not only will you learn about some really cool ideas and meet smart, inspiring women on every page, your CRAVE book comes with all sorts of discounts and ideas (think holiday gifts … to yourself, partner, colleagues or pals).
Ready, set … crav(e)mail me!
NOTE: I’m adding this sentence at 12:29 p.m. on Friday, Nov 18. All five copies have been claimed. Congratulations! Check back early and often around Thanksgiving or the day after and we’ll do this again!! Too fun.
(P.S.S. Not from the twin cities? My apologies. Maybe look for the CRAVE manifesto in your city. It’s HOT
hot hot!)