Think about it:
Being a long-term, happy couple – whatever your age, stage, or relationship status – requires that you adjust. Adapt. Acquire a sensibility for flexibility. And when things aren’t going well, you MAKE sure they change. For the better.
Many happy couples also use their strength as a twosome to make change in the world around them. They combine their efforts and goodwill to mentor others. Serve others. Be with others when they most need a boost.
In the next few days, we’ll share a few stories of couples who have – through their loving little rituals – found ways to make change in and around their relationships.
In the meantime, identify what you can DO to make even a tiny change in your own marriage. Such as: Say thank you. Fold the laundry WOBA (without being asked). Call unexpectedly. Point out how much you love his toes.
Positive change is contagious. Infect your relationship with a little right now!