Hey there (it’s me, Carol, writing again). There was so much to say in yesterday’s blog post-NYC-visit that we had to take a break and start again tonight! Here it goes ….
The topic on this snowy Thursday (yes, it’s valentine’s day!) from my “office” (an armoire stuffed into the corner of the family dining room) in my little English tudor in St. Paul, Minnesota (more unnecessary details: Kids asleep. Husband falling asleep watching Law & Order. Electric blanket on high just waiting for my uncomfortably cold fingers and toes). Oh, back to the topic: Holli and Robert. Two really cool people we met in NYC, who also happen to be the founders of the Wedding Podcast Network (linked to the right). Holli (LOVE her!!) contacted us about a month ago about being guests on their “Lovecast.” A review of their creative and exciting work got us all the more jazzed to visit the big city. (An aside: you must take a minute — after reading this very engaging blog — to visit Weddingpodcastnetwork.com. If you are at all a fan of love, weddings, marriage … and all things white and romantic … you will find something there to wow you). Yes, wow. So cool. Hip. Young. Contemporary. (Yes, these are words we’ve used in our blogs many times. Maybe I’m hoping to be all of those. Probably not going to happen. But hey, I’m almost 40. How cool and hip does a 40 year old need to be?).
Back to Holli. She was terribly excited to hear we were going to be in NYC and, after an enjoyable volley of e-mails, we all arranged to meet for a face-to-face (life is so much better in person, eh?) to record the podcast. Here was the scene: Anna, me, and Holli sitting around our little hotel room table. Faces near these big fancy black fuzzy mics. Holli asking the BEST questions we’ve been tossed (seriously. and we’ve been doing this a lot lately). Robert is working the control board with all these cool looking knobs and buttons. Anna and I are sitting on the edge of our unmade bed, hoping the front desk doesn’t call too soon to say “you’re over-staying your welcome!” Our eyes are bloodshot from being up since about 3:30 a.m. CST. (or was it from the 1980s makeup we had just rubbed into our pores? more on that later…)
Holli and Robert … a couple married 16 years who have found their dream in not only each other, but in the work of sharing all of the greatest resources about love and marriage. What an honor to be one of said resources! And you really have to meet Holli. She’s IS energy. Defines enthusiasm. Exudes electricity! Zow.
When Holli and Robert left the hotel, Anna and I turned to one another and said, almost like an old married couple ourselves, speaking the same words simultaneously: “That was so great!” And it really was. Our podcast should be up soon. Either way, surely there is something you’ll find fascinating about their site. Check it out!
Tomorrow’s blog: Murray Hill Studio guys (& Monica!)
Next day’s topic: 1980s, bacteria-growing, Covergirl makeup. On our faces. For our TV debut. 5:30 a.m.. Not pretty. I repeat: NOT at all pretty.
Check back soon for the full scoop(s).