this couple (Anna and Brent) will become parents for the first time. When this picture was taken, nearly four years ago, we knew we’d like to have kids one day. And here we are. We’re so thrilled! And a little frightened. Am I allowed to say that? Well, it’s true. Our whole lives will change and we only have 9 months to get ready. And 3 of those months are gone already!

We’re mentally preparing by reading a couple of books that my mom got for us. They came highly recommended by some other parents: The Happiest Baby on the Block by Karp and Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn by Simkin et al. Now we’ve got to physically prepare by making room for baby in our small house. Last night we were going through some drawers and found a stack of Brent’s high school senior picture wallets, an old waterproof film camera, and some chords that belong to something, but we don’t know what. Decluttering is good. Thankfully, babies are small. But I hear the stuff they need isn’t. Uh oh. That’s why we’re going to try to keep it simple.

It hasn’t felt very real, because at only 13 weeks, I haven’t grown all that much yet. But one thing that makes it feel very real is all the items we’ve received from various people. A whole suitcase filled with maternity clothes from my sister-in-law, Julie, and her friend, Katie. A little outfit and frame from our friend, Michelle. A cute teddy bear from Jeff and Emily (you know them, the very smart savers from a previous post). And Carol is already making us a bunch of onesies! We’re in for such a rewarding and fun adventure. Hope you’re ready for more baby-related posts. I’ve got baby on the brain and haven’t been able to talk about it for three months! Up next, how we told our friends and family…and their reactions.