As many college roommates experience, the women who lived with me on 331 Wilder Street became my “sisters.” Since our college graduation, we created a ritual (inspired by my cousin and her college roommates, which you’ll read all about in our forthcoming book What Happy Women Do), our very own holiday: 3/31 Day (March 31). Each year, on March 31, we try to celebrate our friendship all day. Sometimes it’s via morning email and then happy hour later. One year, we were fortunate to all be able to take a day off of work and school! This year, we’ll have the birth of not one but two babies being born. Another roommate graduated from law school and passed the bar exam. Another is about to start nursing school. Another is potentially planning a move to LA. Big year for us “sisters.” So big, in fact, that it seemed that one day per year just wasn’t enough to devote to our friendship.

Therefore, we decided to try for a monthly celebration, too. So on the 3rd Wednesday (which happens to be the 3rd day of the week) of every month, we have lunch for 1 hour: 3-3-1. We can’t all be there each month. But we sure try. We realized that when we don’t see each other often enough, we end up spending all our time “catching up” rather than building on the sisterness we already share.

We love our partners and families dearly. But no matter how hard they try, they can’t comprehend everything we went through together at 331 Wilder. No one else can understand the funny notes we left each other, requesting checks for rent, energy bills, cable, and water.

Or the “rules” we developed for conducting life under one roof.

Or the fun we had together.

Celebrate your sisterness! And take pictures and share them (and your stories) with us.