… when almost nothing goes quite right. That was today. We thought we’d write about it here since — we know — we usually only blog about caramel corn, media news, and big “deals”! But, like everyone, we all have those days … the one’s we wish would just go away. Quickly. The one’s when the world seems to care about too much of the wrong thing, too little of the best things, and there is just too much to do (which, we all know, we do to ourselves).

But … tomorrow is another magical day! Right? (we’re reminding ourselves).

And today, actually, had so many good parts (we’re reminding ourselves):
-Smartwool socks
-The Janesville Gazette
-a kids book fair
-lip gloss
-Students who say “you’re brilliant”
-colleagues who listen
-heated seats
-electric blankets
-soft lighting
-Aveda hand relief
-voicemail from grandma
-7:45 bedtime for a 7 year old.

Now … time for that electric blanket. On “10” please.